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I'm 16 and still going.I have a huge family and i'm going to be a graphics designer soon

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yesterday in class everyone showed us the songs they had been working on some were awesome and some were short but i think everyone did good

Kelly,Tessie and Alexa-Pokemon theme song-funny.it was col that you took a song and put your style on it to make it your own.

Ben,Matt,Jeffrey and Joseph - questionable characters- very funny and it was interesting to see you guys rap.

Chris and Isaac - my life- it had a good story behind it.i think it tells people where you come from and what your trying to avoid.

Devon and Anthony - cant see our face- i liked your song it had good quality and it told a good story.good job

Degan,Kenny, Alex,Chris,Mark -lamb story- you guys did something different and it was funny i liked it

Juan and Santiago - untitled- good rythm i wish it would of had words but it was okay

Kat and Chris -the proctor bridgment blues- i enjoyed it a lot it had a very soft feel to it and a nice story. good job.

Nairi, Stephanie,Ani -creepy aliens- very scientific and funny i love how you changed it from the movie coneheads.

Gabe -story- very clever you should add more to it but i like it so far.

Hidi - untitled- i feel like it starts off with suspense and you should continue working on it.

Leslie -sad happy- good ob i like the beats and it was well put together a little short though.

Phillip,Justine,Vanessa,Varsec -my song- strange but good i couldnt really understand them but i still liked it.

sorry if i misspelled any names or names of your songs.

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